Gershon Legman, The Limerick with More Limericks
Legman, G(ershon) The Limerick. New York, Bell Publishing, (1969), [lxxvii], 1-517, boards, 9” x 6”. A very good to fine copy in a vg dust jacket with a couple of slight tears. Previous owner’s name has been inked out on the front free end page.
Legman, G(ershon) More Limericks. New York, Bell Publishing, (1980), [xxxiii], 1-729, boards, 9” x 6”. A very good to fine copy in a fine dust jacket . The previous owner’s name has been inked out on the front free end page.
Later editions of Legman’s massive collection of English Limerick, both erotic and otherwise, compiled over several decades. Legman was the well-known pioneer in erotic folklore and criticism. Never employed by a university he ended up making the subject academically respectable.
2 vols. $45 SOLD